Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Hello, my name is Ferdinand Magellan and I was born in Sabrosa, Portugal to Rui de Magalhaes and Alda de Mesquita in the year of 1480. When I was 10, my parents died and became a page at the Queen’s royal court since my family is well connected with the royal family. Becoming a page gave me an advantage; my advantage was that I could become well-educated and learned about the Portuguese exploration during this time. When I turned 25, I enlisted myself in a fleet of 22 ships that was going to be shipped to Francisco de Almeida as the first viceroy. Because of some accusations that were made, I lost the privilege of being employed by the Portuguese. After Columbus, I decided to do something similar. But, to get to the Spice Islands I have to travel through the New World to reach there. I presented this to the king of Portugal, Manuel I, but he rejected my plan. So after I got rejected, I went to the Spanish king for his help.
I persuaded the Spanish king (Charles I) and I was granted a large sum of money. I was so excited. I used the money to find the perfect route that will lead me to the Spice Islands. I left Spain to find the Spice Islands with five ships and 250 men. Since I am a Portuguese, my shipmates plotted death plans on me but luckily they get sent to prison or get executed. I couldn’t really do anything because I am sailing for Spain not Portugal. After sailing across the Atlantic Ocean for a long time, we finally reached Rio de Janeiro to restock supplies for each ship. Sailing past the south coast of South America, my fleet and I finally reached the Pacific Ocean. But when we were sailing through the south tip of South America, the weather was really horrible so we had to wait until the weather got better so we could continue our journey. Well as the weather got better, I personally sent Santiago to go check the way to get through the Pacific Ocean.
We finally found a way to get through the Pacific Ocean.  Since, we lost another ship because they decided to abandon the journey and took many of the supplies that were needed.  The rest of the ships including my ship passed through the strait that I call the “Strait of All Saints” which leads me and my fleet to the Pacific Ocean.  During the time that we were sailing to reach the Spice Islands, we suffered immensely for food and we were short of supplies. When we reached Guam, I restocked the supplies for the ships and the necessities that we needed. Instead of finding the Spice Islands, we were at the Philippines and for some reason befriended the king there. My crew and I were persuaded by the king to defeat their rival, Lapu-Lapu. My crew and I succeeded in becoming the first ones to sail around the world or in other words circumnavigated the world.


  1. Hey Ferdinand! Congratulations with the successful journey; it is definitely one to be proud of. Being the first person to circumnavigate the entire planet is certainly and obviously something to take pride in. In addition, it also puts Portugal in the spotlight -- everyone now respects Portugal due to its discoveries. I bet numerous people would love to have that accomplishment in their lives. (:

    Bartholomeu Dias

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Greetings from I, Prince Henry. Ferdinand Magellan, you have accomplished many an honorable task in your lifetime, the most important being the circumnavigating of the world. I do hope you take great pleasure in your accomplishment, which no other mortal has ever achieved so far. You have braved through many hardships, including a mutiny by your own men! You have now earned my respect and may your name go down in history.
    -Prince Henry

  4. WOW! You circumnavigated the world. Now that's an accomplishment. Your journey will inspire others to do the same. I mean you were the FIRST person to go around the world, that is just spectacular. Portugal must be so happy! You deserve all the fame!

    John Cabot

  5. Ferdinand Magellan...
    I have no doubt that this name will go down in all history books. You have done the unthinkable: circumnavigate the world. When some of my court advisers told me of your dream, I laughed out loud. I never thought that it would be possible.
    However, despite everyones' doubts, you managed to prove us all wrong. Even with mutiny with your men, you managed to prosper.
    I am 100% sure that Portugual is very proud of you. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this unthinkable feat of yours and good luck with your life. I wish you the best.
    Until later,
    Henry of Navarre
