The Treaty of Tordesillas was signed at Tordesillas and divided the newly discovered lands into separate Portuguese and Spanish spheres of influence. The lands were separated into that most of South America fell within the Spanish sphere; also the route across Atlantic was only for the Spanish. And east of the route of Cape of Good Hope, it was reserved for the Portuguese. Also, the Treaty of Tordesillas was trying to settle an argument that was created after Christopher Columbus came back. This new line gave Portugal an automatic control most of the Indian Ocean. The Tordesillas line was located 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands. Portugal gained the control of Brazil or known as “the larger portion of South America”. But, on the other hand, Spain gained control most of the New World. The pope granted his official recognition of this treaty in 1506. Both Spain and Portugal have to remain loyal to this treaty. Portugal went along with this treaty by going deep into Brazil, but to Spain felt that they were not gaining anything out of this treaty. The discoveries of the New World had little mineral wealth, which also caused many diseases and the discomfort.

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